24 research outputs found

    On v-Marot Mori rings and C-rings

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    C-domains are defined via class semigroups, and every C-domain is a Mori domain with nonzero conductor whose complete integral closure is a Krull domain with finite class group. In order to extend the concept of C-domains to rings with zero divisors, we introduce vv-Marot rings as generalizations of ordinary Marot rings and study their theory of regular divisorial ideals. Based on this we establish a generalization of a result well-known for integral domains. Let RR be a vv-Marot Mori ring, R^\hat R its complete integral closure, and suppose that the conductor f=(R:R^)\mathfrak f = (R : \hat R) is regular. If the residue class ring R/fR/\mathfrak f and the class group C(R^)\mathcal C (\hat R) are both finite, then RR is a C-ring. Moreover, we study both vv-Marot rings and C-rings under various ring extensions.Comment: Journal of the Korean Mathematical Society, to appea

    Post-Quantum Zero-Knowledge Proofs for Accumulators with Applications to Ring Signatures from Symmetric-Key Primitives

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    In this paper we address the construction of privacy-friendly cryptographic primitives for the post-quantum era and in particular accumulators with zero-knowledge membership proofs and ring signatures. This is an important topic as it helps to protect the privacy of users in online authentication or emerging technologies such as cryptocurrencies. Recently, we have seen first such constructions, mostly based on assumptions related to codes and lattices. We, however, ask whether it is possible to construct such primitives without relying on structured hardness assumptions, but solely based on symmetric-key primitives such as hash functions or block ciphers. This is interesting because the resistance of latter primitives to quantum attacks is quite well understood. In doing so, we choose a modular approach and firstly construct an accumulator (with one-way domain) that allows to efficiently prove knowledge of (a pre-image of) an accumulated value in zero-knowledge. We, thereby, take care that our construction can be instantiated solely from symmetric-key primitives and that our proofs are of sublinear size. Latter is non trivial to achieve in the symmetric setting due to the absence of algebraic structures which are typically used in other settings to make these efficiency gains. Regarding efficient instantiations of our proof system, we rely on recent results for constructing efficient non-interactive zero-knowledge proofs for general circuits. Based on this building block, we then show how to construct logarithmic size ring signatures solely from symmetric-key primitives. As constructing more advanced primitives only from symmetric-key primitives is a very recent field, we discuss some interesting open problems and future research directions. Finally, we want to stress that our work also indirectly impacts other fields: for the first time it raises the requirement for collision resistant hash functions with particularly low AND count

    Short Double- and N-Times-Authentication-Preventing Signatures from ECDSA and More

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    Double-authentication-preventing signatures (DAPS) are signatures designed with the aim that signing two messages with an identical first part (called address) but different second parts (called payload) allows to publicly extract the secret signing key from two such signatures. A prime application for DAPS is disincentivizing and/or penalizing the creation of two signatures on different payloads within the same address, such as penalizing double spending of transactions in Bitcoin by the loss of the double spender\u27s money. So far DAPS have been constructed from very specific signature schemes not used in practice and using existing techniques it has proved elusive to construct DAPS schemes from signatures widely used in practice. This, unfortunately, has prevented practical adoption of this interesting tool so far. In this paper we ask whether one can construct DAPS from signature schemes used in practice. We affirmatively answer this question by presenting novel techniques to generically construct provably secure DAPS from a large class of discrete logarithm based signatures. This class includes schemes like Schnorr, DSA, EdDSA, and, most interestingly for practical applications, the widely used ECDSA signature scheme. The resulting DAPS are highly efficient and the shortest among all existing DAPS schemes. They are nearly half of the size of the most efficient factoring based schemes (IACR PKC\u2717) and improve by a factor of 100 over the most efficient discrete logarithm based ones (ACM CCS\u2715). Although this efficiency comes at the cost of a reduced address space, i.e., size of keys linear in the number of addresses, we will show that this is not a limitation in practice. Moreover, we generalize DAPS to any N>2, which we denote as N-times-authentication-preventing signatures (NAPS). Finally, we also provide an integration of our ECDSA-based DAPS into the OpenSSL library and perform an extensive comparison with existing approaches

    Privacy-Preserving Authenticated Key Exchange: Stronger Privacy and Generic Constructions

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    Authenticated key-exchange (AKE) protocols are an important class of protocols that allow two parties to establish a common session key over an insecure channel such as the Internet to then protect their communication. They are widely deployed in security protocols such as TLS, IPsec and SSH. Besides the confidentiality of the communicated data, an orthogonal but increasingly important goal is the protection of the confidentiality of the identities of the involved parties (aka privacy). For instance, the Encrypted Client Hello (ECH) mechanism for TLS 1.3 has been designed for exactly this reason. Recently, a series of works (Zhao CCS\u2716, Arfaoui et al. PoPETS\u2719, Schäge et al. PKC\u2720) studied privacy guarantees of (existing) AKE protocols by integrating privacy into AKE models. We observe that these so called privacy-preserving AKE (PPAKE) models are typically strongly tailored to the specific setting, i.e., concrete protocols they investigate. Moreover, the privacy guarantees in these models might be too weak (or even are non-existent) when facing active adversaries. In this work we set the goal to provide a single PPAKE model that captures privacy guarantees against different types of attacks, thereby covering previously proposed notions as well as so far not achieved privacy guarantees. In doing so, we obtain different degrees of privacy within a single model, which, in its strongest forms also capture privacy guarantees against powerful active adversaries. We then proceed to investigate (generic) constructions of AKE protocols that provide strong privacy guarantees in our PPAKE model. This includes classical Diffie-Hellman type protocols as well as protocols based on generic building blocks, thus covering post-quantum instantiations

    Muckle+: End-to-End Hybrid Authenticated Key Exchanges

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    End-to-end authenticity in public networks plays a significant role. Namely, without authenticity, the adversary might be able to retrieve even confidential information straight away by impersonating others. Proposed solutions to establish an authenticated channel cover pre-shared key-based, password-based, and certificate-based techniques. To add confidentiality to an authenticated channel, authenticated key exchange (AKE) protocols usually have one of the three solutions built in. As an amplification, hybrid AKE (HAKE) approaches are getting more popular nowadays and were presented in several flavors to incorporate classical, post-quantum, or quantum-key-distribution components. The main benefit is redundancy, i.e., if some of the components fail, the primitive still yields a confidential and authenticated channel. However, current HAKE instantiations either rely on pre-shared keys (which yields inefficient end-to-end authenticity) or only support one or two of the three above components (resulting in reduced redundancy and flexibility). In this work, we present an extension of a modular HAKE framework due to Dowling, Brandt Hansen, and Paterson (PQCrypto\u2720) that does not suffer from the above constraints. While their instantiation, dubbed Muckle, requires pre-shared keys (and hence yields inefficient end-to-end authenticity), our extended instantiation called Muckle+ utilizes post-quantum digital signatures. While replacing pre-shared keys with digital signatures is rather straightforward in general, this turned out to be surprisingly non-trivial when applied to HAKE frameworks (resulting in a significant model change with adapted proof techniques)

    Homomorphic Proxy Re-Authenticators and Applications to Verifiable Multi-User Data Aggregation

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    We introduce the notion of homomorphic proxy re-authenticators, a tool that adds security and verifiability guarantees to multi-user data aggregation scenarios. It allows distinct sources to authenticate their data under their own keys, and a proxy can transform these single signatures or message authentication codes (MACs) to a MAC under a receiver\u27s key without having access to it. In addition, the proxy can evaluate arithmetic circuits (functions) on the inputs so that the resulting MAC corresponds to the evaluation of the respective function. As the messages authenticated by the sources may represent sensitive information, we also consider hiding them from the proxy and other parties in the system, except from the receiver. We provide a general model and two modular constructions of our novel primitive, supporting the class of linear functions. On our way, we establish various novel building blocks. Most interestingly, we formally define the notion and present a construction of homomorphic proxy re-encryption, which may be of independent interest. The latter allows users to encrypt messages under their own public keys, and a proxy can re-encrypt them to a receiver\u27s public key (without knowing any secret key), while also being able to evaluate functions on the ciphertexts. The resulting re-encrypted ciphertext then holds an evaluation of the function on the input messages

    Lift-and-Shift: Obtaining Simulation Extractable Subversion and Updatable SNARKs Generically

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    Zero-knowledge proofs and in particular succinct non-interactive zero-knowledge proofs (so called zk-SNARKs) are getting increasingly used in real-world applications, with cryptocurrencies being the prime example. Simulation extractability (SE) is a strong security notion of zk-SNARKs which informally ensures non-malleability of proofs. This property is acknowledged as being highly important by leading companies in this field such as Zcash and supported by various attacks against the malleability of cryptographic primitives in the past. Another problematic issue for the practical use of zk-SNARKs is the requirement of a fully trusted setup, as especially for large-scale decentralized applications finding a trusted party that runs the setup is practically impossible. Quite recently, the study of approaches to relax or even remove the trust in the setup procedure, and in particular subversion as well as updatable zk-SNARKs (with latter being the most promising approach), has been initiated and received considerable attention since then. Unfortunately, so far SE-SNARKs with aforementioned properties are only constructed in an ad-hoc manner and no generic techniques are available. In this paper we are interested in such generic techniques and therefore firstly revisit the only available lifting technique due to Kosba et al. (called COCO) to generically obtain SE-SNARKs. By exploring the design space of many recently proposed SNARK- and STARK-friendly symmetric-key primitives we thereby achieve significant improvements in the prover computation and proof size. Unfortunately, the COCO framework as well as our improved version (called OCOCO) is not compatible with updatable SNARKs. Consequently, we propose a novel generic lifting transformation called Lamassu. It is built using different underlying ideas compared to COCO (and OCOCO). In contrast to COCO it only requires key-homomorphic signatures (which allow to shift keys) covering well studied schemes such as Schnorr or ECDSA. This makes Lamassu highly interesting, as by using the novel concept of so called updatable signatures, which we introduce in this paper, we can prove that Lamassu preserves the subversion and in particular updatable properties of the underlying zk-SNARK. This makes Lamassu the first technique to also generically obtain SE subversion and updatable SNARKs. As its performance compares favorably to OCOCO, Lamassu is an attractive alternative that in contrast to OCOCO is only based on well established cryptographic assumptions

    Universally Composable NIZKs: Circuit-Succinct, Non-Malleable and CRS-Updatable

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    Non-interactive zero-knowledge proofs (NIZKs) and in particular succinct NIZK arguments of knowledge (so called zk-SNARKs) increasingly see real-world adoption in large and complex systems. A requirement that turns out to be important for NIZKs is ensuring non-malleability of proofs, which can be achieved via the property of simulation extractability (SE). Moreover, many zk-SNARKs require a trusted setup, i.e., a common reference string (CRS), and in practice it is desirable to reduce the trust in the CRS generation. Latter can be achieved via the notions of subversion or updatable CRS. Another important property when deployed in large and complex systems is the secure composition of protocols, e.g., via using the Universal Composability (UC) framework. Relying on the UC frameworks allows to arbitrarily and securely compose protocols in a modular way. In this work, we are interested in whether zk-SNARKs can provide all these desired properties. This is a tricky task as the UC framework rules out several natural techniques for such a construction. Our main result is to show that achieving these properties is indeed possible in a generic and modular way when slightly relaxing the succinctness properties of zk-SNARKs to those of a circuit-succinct NIZK which is not witness-succinct, i.e., by increasing the proof size of the underlying zk-SNARK by the size of the witness ww. We will argue that for various practical applications of zk-SNARKs this overhead is perfectly tolerable. Our starting point is a framework by Abdolmaleki et al. called Lamassu (ACM CCS\u2720) which we extend in several directions. Moreover, we implement our compiler on top of Sonic (ACM CCS\u2719) and provide benchmarks as well as a discussion on the choice of the required primitives

    Attribute-Based Threshold Issuance Anonymous Counting Tokens and Its Application to Sybil-Resistant Self-Sovereign Identity

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    Self-sovereign identity (SSI) systems empower users to (anonymously) establish and verify their identity when accessing both digital and real-world resources, emerging as a promising privacy-preserving solution for user-centric identity management. Recent work by Maram et al. proposes the privacy-preserving Sybil-resistant decentralized SSI system CanDID (IEEE S&P 2021). While this is an important step, notable shortcomings undermine its efficacy. The two most significant among them being the following: First, unlinkability breaks in the presence of a single malicious issuer. Second, it introduces interactiveness, as the users are required to communicate each time with issuers to collect credentials intended for use in interactions with applications. This contradicts the goal of SSI, whose aim is to give users full control over their identities. This paper first introduces the concept of publicly verifiable attribute-based threshold anonymous counting tokens (tACT). Unlike recent approaches confined to centralized settings (Benhamouda et al., ASIACRYPT 2023), tACT operates in a distributed-trust environment. Accompanied by a formal security model and a provably secure instantiation, tACT introduces a novel dimension to token issuance, which, we believe, holds independent interest. Next, the paper leverages the proposed tACT scheme to construct an efficient Sybil-resistant SSI system. This system supports various functionalities, including threshold issuance, unlinkable multi-show selective disclosure, and non-interactive, non-transferable credentials that offer constant-size credentials. Finally, our benchmark results show an efficiency improvement in our construction when compared to CanDID all while accommodating a greater number of issuers and additionally reducing to a one-round protocol that can be run in parallel with all issuers